Articles with Main Images are Overrated.

December 27, 2023

This article doesn't have main image. You don't need them, they just take up space. Look at my article titled: Test Post #1 and you'll see what I mean.

However, what this article lacks in main images, it makes up for in headings. We have every time of heading you could want.

H1 Headings

You gotta use this when you really want to get someone's attention.

H2 Headings

This is for when you just want to look official

H3 Headings

No one really uses H3s but I'll find a way to make them cool. I'll include a bullet point list to make this section more interesting

  • First thing's first
  • 2nd is just the 1st loser
  • Third is the one with the hairy chest

H4 Headings

When the H4 comes out, that's when you know things are getting serious

We have block quotes too. These will be really important soon


You've reached the end of my test of all the text features I've configured. As a reward here are a few embedded pictures. These are better than main images too.

Solid orange background
Embedded images are better than main images too.

Above we have a nice orange background

dang it Bobby

What is understood does not need to be explained.

Thanks for reading!